Heaven's Devourer 4.48

Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 16

6.6M May 10,2023 - 21:03 PM Feng Qing Yang (风青阳)

The Yanhuang Ancient Domain, vast without end, gave birth to many Celestials and Demons of antiquity tore Heaven and Earth apart and surpassed the control of the 3 Realms and 5 Elements over the endless years it has existed. Numerous Gods, more than ten thousand races, and humans born with a God class body have also come out from the Domain, traveling through the nether, warping Yin and Yang, omnipotent.In this current age, Celestial Daoism is in prosperity, tens of thousands of Divine techniques shake the Heavens, numerous mortals strive to become Celestials, and millions of sinners walk the Earth. The Prince Heir of the kingdom East Yue Wu Wu Yu, obtains the legacy of the Battle Celestial of the East in the direst of situations to sweep across the Earth and rebel against the Heavens!In the eyes of the hundreds of millions of Mortals, he is the Sovereign Emperor Celestial, overcoming a plethora of tribulations to reach his current height.In the eyes of the Celestials and Buddhas of Heaven, he is a peerless Heaven devouring Demon!---**Note:** Addendum on the "Manji" visible in chapter 2, for those uninformed:"In East Asia the manji (卍) is an ancient religious symbol of power and good fortune for many different countries and religions around the world, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and a number of Indo-European and Native American religions as well.""The specific meaning of the symbol varies by nation and religion, and also by the position of the "arms" of the cross--whether they face left or right, or whether the cross is tilted or straight.""In the 1930s, the swastika symbol--a clockwise, tilted cross--was adopted by the Nazi Political Party in Germany, and gained a negative reputation as a symbol of hatred in the modern world."
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Eternal First God 4.38

Eternal First God

Chapter 190

14.6M Jun 28,2023 - 13:29 PM 风青阳

Even in his dreams, Li Tianming can't stop himself from laughing! Why? Because his family pets are all the Primordial Chaos Beasts of myth!That teeny weeny little chick over there is actually the eternal Infernal Phoenix that eats suns! His black cat is the Genesis Chaos Thunderfiend that refines worlds with its lightning. The cockroach, well, it's the Myriad Worlds Deathless Beast that possesses trillions of undying clones…Followed by his menagerie of pets, Li Tianming begins his ascension to become the number one beastmaster of the ages. He journeys across the many worlds, only one thing remaining constant. No one is ever ready for the likes of his pets! After all, who's ever prepared to fight a chicken and its fellows...Russian / РусскийЯвившийся с небес гений Ли Тяньмин правит десятью гигантами Хуньдунь и олицетворяет собой первейшее божество первозданного хаоса. Он побывал в тысячах сфер и миров, уничтожил бесчисленное количество неземных царств, небесных богов и демонов преисподней.
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Beastmaster Of The Ages 4.57

Beastmaster Of The Ages

Chapter 183

21.5M Jun 04,2023 - 12:12 PM 风青阳

Even in his dreams, Li Tianming can't stop himself from laughing! Why? Because his family pets are all the Primordial Chaos Beasts of myth! That teeny weeny little chick over there is actually the eternal Infernal Phoenix that eats suns! His black cat is the Genesis Chaos Thunderfiend that refines worlds with its lightning. The cockroach, well, it's the Myriad Worlds Deathless Beast that possesses trillions of undying clones… Followed by his menagerie of pets, Li Tianming begins his ascension to become the number one beastmaster of the ages. He journeys across the many worlds, only one thing remaining constant. No one is ever ready for the likes of his pets! After all, who's ever prepared to fight a chicken and its fellows…
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