The Regent King Is Too Ferocious 4.54

The Regent King Is Too Ferocious

Chapter 256

3.4M Sep 28,2022 - 07:53 AM 风与自然

I died of a young age in my previous life, but unknowingly I went back in time to the past where dynasties still existed. However, this was not even a blessing. The me from that life died, killed by her own husband, the emperor. And now, I am reborn into a little girl, who is the sister of the emperor?!
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Raising The Enemy Only Brings Trouble 4.71

Raising The Enemy Only Brings Trouble

Chapter 204

4M Oct 12,2022 - 08:08 AM 风与自然

Ye Mu transmigrated into a book as a tragic cannon fodder, who was supposed to support the female lead. But having no time for games, she decided to kill the male lead and let the world collapse so that she could escape! One look at the scrawny little boy in front of her and she couldn‘t do it anymore…what should she do? Raise the male lead up and let him help her? The idea is great! But as she raised him the male seemed to have grown devious! Ye Mu was tearful. Where did her upright protector go to? Could she restart again?
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